We Offer FIVE Curriculum Childrens Programs For Five Age Groups!
Busy Bee's
Ages 2-4
Busy Bee our preschool martial arts program is a big hit with young children . With their shorter attention spans this
shortened timed program gives enough pizzazz and sparkle to keep this age groups attention. In this class the children will
learn beginning safety ,and life skills as well as stretching ,sound appreciation ,visual coordination skills ,beginning balance
,shapes ,colors ,numbers, and letters. Also the children will learn about nutrition.
Ages 5-7
Learning Lion's teaches children intermediate safety, health, and life skills as well as secondary balance skills, goal
orientation, parental respect, and appreciation, also the beginning elements of the martial arts skills of attendance,
discipline, endurance, honesty, self-respect, courage, self-discipline, stength, compassion, perseverance,
and positive attitude.
Ages 8-10
Lil' Dragon The #1 Devlopemental Martial Arts Curriculum Nationwide.
Thank,you for your intrest in the most "FANTASTIC" Childrens Program
Ever! I would like to take a few minutes to tell you "FIRST" that we are very excited
to be able to offer Lil' Dragon to you and your Children, I also want to give you a Breif desription
of what Lil' Dragon is.
Lil Dragon is not just another Karate Program! Lil' Dragon is a Curriculum
based training tool that Utilizes some of the greater more Positive Aspects of the Martial Arts to keep Children interested
and very attentive so they can learn the most Important Safety. Life, And Health Skills of our LIFETIME
these skills can not be taught enough.
The Lil' Dragon is a Three year age Appropriate Program for Children Ages Eight to Ten.
Starting the first year with safety skills and age appropriate Blocking Skills. The second year starts the Life
Skills and more Self -Defense skills. The third year is the Martial Skills by this time the children will have Matured
enough to understand the discipline needed to tackle these skills without misuse or punching and kicking at each other.
Upon Graduation from Lil' Dragon the student is the ready for the next age appropriate program "BUSTER'S
NO Bully" for ages eleven through fourteen after this program the student is ready for Regular Martial Arts
Training and may pursue a Black Belt in Any Style Of their Choosing.
Thank., you
Ages 11-14
Busters's NO BULLY!
This Curriculum Program is age appropriate for Children Ages Eleven to Fourteen. It is becoming
very popular with Elementary and Middle School Children. For us it is the next step after Lil' Dragon this program is simular
in structure to Lil' Dragon but Utilizes Key Intrest factors the older child will relate to. The work out routine is more
difficult with more Karate and Self- Defense drills with a more Disciplined Curriculum dealing with
Peer Pressure, Bullies, Gangs, Goal Setting Time Management ,Positive Attitude, Positive Respect,Understanding Commitment,
Following Through,Dealing with Fear and most Importantly talking to and Communicating with the most important people
in a future young adults life Their Parents! and much more
Program Five!
Ages 4-12
Childrens Personal Conduct Program.
Martial Arts has thousands of years of history, and the training is magnified naturally for
the Children's Personal Conduct Training. Personal Conduct practices are already included in martial arts training.
The martial arts instructor's teaching of Martial Arts is practiced with rules and manners,
and also with unique verbal orders. Martial Arts is different from other sports for it is performed with the use of legs,
hands, feet, and all of the parts of the physical body. Through this training, the concepts of respect, self-discipline,
concentration, self-confidence, self-defense will be trained naturally in the mind.
- Objective/ Our Martial Arts school promotes Children's Personal Conduct Martial
Arts Training Campaign to promote the excellence of Personal Conduct Martial Arts Training. It is a nationwide movement
to educate 23.31 million parents who wish to teach personal conduct to their children.
- Circumstance / Children in America are increasingly exposed to violence in mass
media and urgently need a personal conduct program; however, there is no specialized institute to teach a personal conduct
program to children.
- Current Status / Personal Conduct Training is a natural extension of Martial Arts
Training. Martial Arts Schools provide the perfect atmosphere to incorporate a Personal Conduct Educational Program
because they offer moral and ethical principles which day-care centers, gymnasiums and other after-school institutes do not
- Strategy/ Children's Personal Conduct Martial Arts Training Campaign is a nationwide
movement to let parents of prospective students know that Martial Arts Training is a natural extension of Personal Conduct
Training and lead them to a nearby campaign participating martial arts schools.
- Tactics / The CPC Martial Arts Training works to increase the effect of the education
of the children who are participating in the CPC Martial Arts Training. Studies show that children learn better when
animation characters are involved.
- The heroes create the marketing platform for the additional products and services. Each
individual hero has their own special powers and personality that the children can identify with.
In most school's we offer Classes taught at your School
through out the school year as well as for the whole summer for ages 2-18. Daycares, Schools, Camps and
Christian Organizations. We Teach For You at your Facility!
We Also offer Private Lessons!
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